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Mustang Cowboy War Bonnet Tie Down
The Mustang War Bonnet is both a training and competition piece of equipment. As a training device, the bonnet encourages correct head position by applying pressure to the poll. As a noseband/tie down, it aids in balance – especially in tight turns and hard stops. Manufactured with long-lasting vinyl-covered cable with a rubber covered nose piece. For use with a tie down (not included).
Useful for training and competition
Aids in correct head position
Aids in balance
Vinyl covered cable
Rubber covered nosepiece
Riferimenti Specifici
Mustang Cowboy War Bonnet Tie Down
The Mustang War Bonnet is both a training and competition piece of equipment. As a training device, the bonnet encourages correct head position by applying pressure to the poll. As a noseband/tie down, it aids in balance – especially in tight turns and hard stops. Manufactured with long-lasting vinyl-covered cable with a rubber covered nose piece. For use with a tie down (not included).