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In perforated soft gel, allowing sweat to disperse while absorbing vibrations and shocks on your horse’s back. Edges can be trimmed to match the shape of your saddle. May be used by itself or combined to the anatomic back pad item No. 206 102 001, and/or front rise back pad item No. 206 103 001, in order to balance your saddle. Dimensions: 31.5 x 37 cm
In perforated soft gel, allowing sweat to disperse while absorbing vibrations and shocks on your horse’s back. Edges can be trimmed to match the shape of your saddle. May be used by itself or combined to the anatomic back pad item No. 206 102 001, and/or front rise back pad item No. 206 103 001, in order to balance your saddle. Dimensions: 31.5 x 37 cm