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Taglia full Medical grade lambskin (unbleached, no chemicals used in manufacturing) Provides cushion of wool between saddle and your horses back High quality twill (cotton) won’t bunch up like other brands Washer safe when using a wool safe detergent Christ Lammfelle of Germany, Making Top Quality Sheepskin Saddle Pads This Christ Lammfelle half pad is designed to sit directly on your horses back We suggest you use a light weight pad on the top of this half pad.
The ‘Ultra’ line does not have any lambskin around the spinal canal. This can be an advantage where saddle channels are very narrow. Please bear in mind the reduced protection that this means for the spinal canal.
Underside made of genuine lambskin and a depth of pile of approx. 30 mm
Upper side made of our hard-wearing saddle pad fabric
Easy adjustment under the saddle, non-slip
Machine washable with a lambskin detergent and resistant to tumble drying
Riferimenti Specifici
Taglia full Medical grade lambskin (unbleached, no chemicals used in manufacturing) Provides cushion of wool between saddle and your horses back High quality twill (cotton) won’t bunch up like other brands Washer safe when using a wool safe detergent Christ Lammfelle of Germany, Making Top Quality Sheepskin Saddle Pads This Christ Lammfelle half pad is designed to sit directly on your horses back We suggest you use a light weight pad on the top of this half pad.