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Borsa per riporre protezioni fasce e attrezzatura da groom
può èssere fissata al box mediante pratico moscettore; molto utile da portare in concorso
MIsure L 54 x W 13 x H 65 cm
Large self-gripping pocket under flap for your bandages, leg protectors or grooming equipment. Features a small self-gripping pocket for smaller grooming items and care products. May be affixed to your stall’s door, in your locker, in a horsebox, lorry… with a 3-point fastening system with swivel snaps.
Borsa per riporre protezioni fasce e attrezzatura da groom
può èssere fissata al box mediante pratico moscettore; molto utile da portare in concorso
MIsure L 54 x W 13 x H 65 cm
Large self-gripping pocket under flap for your bandages, leg protectors or grooming equipment. Features a small self-gripping pocket for smaller grooming items and care products. May be affixed to your stall’s door, in your locker, in a horsebox, lorry… with a 3-point fastening system with swivel snaps.