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Bustino protettivo omologato livello 3 EQUI-THEME

119,00 €
Tasse incluse
Body protector with high density foam padding, very supple and light. Front zip fastening, side and shoulder adjustments with self-gripping tapes. Full-cover sides, support belt adjustable inside with clip fastening. Detachable cover, hand washable: outside in nylon, lining in polyester/nylon. Padding in high density foam. Delivered on clothes hanger in a cover transparent at the front.
Complies with the European standard EN13158:2009 level 3 (standard applicable to body protectors used in equestrian sports) and Beta Standard Beta Level 3. Intertek UK Certification.
Taglia Giacca
In Stock

Questo corpetto di livello 3 Beta è stato testato ed approvato conformemente alla norma europea EN 13158: 2009 (standard per giubbotti protettivi utilizzati negli sport equestri). Leggero e flessibile, si adatta bene al corpo.

Body protector with high density foam padding, very supple and light. Front zip fastening, side and shoulder adjustments with self-gripping tapes. Full-cover sides, support belt adjustable inside with clip fastening. Detachable cover, hand washable: outside in nylon, lining in polyester/nylon. Padding in high density foam. Delivered on clothes hanger in a cover transparent at the front. Complies with the European standard EN13158:2009 level 3 (standard applicable to body protectors used in equestrian sports) and Beta Standard Beta Level 3. Intertek UK Certification.


Riferimenti Specifici

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