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Body protector with high density foam padding, very supple and light. Front zip fastening, side and shoulder adjustments with self-gripping tapes. Full-cover sides, support belt adjustable inside with clip fastening. Detachable cover, hand washable: outside in nylon, lining in polyester/nylon. Padding in high density foam. Delivered on clothes hanger in a cover transparent at the front. Complies with the European standard EN13158:2009 level 3 (standard applicable to body protectors used in equestrian sports) and Beta Standard Beta Level 3. Intertek UK Certification.
Questo corpetto di livello 3 Beta è stato testato ed approvato conformemente alla norma europea EN 13158: 2009 (standard per giubbotti protettivi utilizzati negli sport equestri). Leggero e flessibile, si adatta bene al corpo.
Body protector with high density foam padding, very supple and light. Front zip fastening, side and shoulder adjustments with self-gripping tapes. Full-cover sides, support belt adjustable inside with clip fastening. Detachable cover, hand washable: outside in nylon, lining in polyester/nylon. Padding in high density foam. Delivered on clothes hanger in a cover transparent at the front. Complies with the European standard EN13158:2009 level 3 (standard applicable to body protectors used in equestrian sports) and Beta Standard Beta Level 3. Intertek UK Certification.
Riferimenti Specifici
Body protector with high density foam padding, very supple and light. Front zip fastening, side and shoulder adjustments with self-gripping tapes. Full-cover sides, support belt adjustable inside with clip fastening. Detachable cover, hand washable: outside in nylon, lining in polyester/nylon. Padding in high density foam. Delivered on clothes hanger in a cover transparent at the front. Complies with the European standard EN13158:2009 level 3 (standard applicable to body protectors used in equestrian sports) and Beta Standard Beta Level 3. Intertek UK Certification.