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ricarica per Airbag Helyte Taglia S : For Small and Medium kids sizes Taglia M : For adult sizes and kid’s size Large
CO2 cartridge in cast steel with welded tap. Volume: 60 cc - capacity: 45 g +/- 3 g. After activation, it is imperative to replace the original cartridge with the exact same type of cartridge. For “Air” vest items No. 991 600 and 991 601, and E “Air” jacket item No. 991 620 and 991 621.
ricarica per Airbag Helyte Taglia S : For Small and Medium kids sizes Taglia M : For adult sizes and kid’s size Large
CO2 cartridge in cast steel with welded tap. Volume: 60 cc - capacity: 45 g +/- 3 g. After activation, it is imperative to replace the original cartridge with the exact same type of cartridge. For “Air” vest items No. 991 600 and 991 601, and E “Air” jacket item No. 991 620 and 991 621.