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Paraocchi per testiera BLINKERS

28,00 €
Tasse incluse
paraocchi in cuoio da fissare alla testiera. fissaggio con velcri 
Ideali per cavalli che si distraggono e che si spaventano

• Made of high-quality, long-lasting European leather
• Easy to attach to a bridle
• Ideal for horses that are easily frightened or distracted


These user-friendly blinkers are made of high-quality European leather that stays beautiful for a long time. Thanks to the Velcro fasteners, the blinkers are easy to attach to the bridle. The blinkers take away some of the side vision and the rear vision, keeping your horse more focused while riding.
Tipo animale
In Stock

189105 304399002

Riferimenti Specifici

8 altri prodotti della stessa categoria:

19,00 € 22,00 €