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Dura-Tech® Superior Sweats Overnight Neoprene Throat Sweat
48,00 €
Tasse incluse
Designed by professionals for today’s Halter and Performance horses
The perfect sweat that is safe for all day or all night use
Heavyweight neoprene offers enough stretch to achieve snug fit
Creates beautiful definition and promotes sweat production
2 removable velcro straps offer unlimited adjustment
Measures: 6 ½”W x 38”L Guaranteed for 2 years
Designed by professionals for today’s Halter and Performance horses
The perfect sweat that is safe for all day or all night use
Heavyweight neoprene offers enough stretch to achieve snug fit
Creates beautiful definition and promotes sweat production
2 removable velcro straps offer unlimited adjustment
Measures: 6 ½”W x 38”L Guaranteed for 2 years