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Coperta in Lycra SNUGGY HOOD

116,00 €
Tasse incluse
Realizzato nel migliore e robusto Nylon Spandex; incoraggia la lucentezza del manto e ne rallenta la crescita. ottima vestibilità; Con copripancia. Utile anche come sottocoperta e per mantenere il cavallo pulito prima della gara
Taglie coperte
In Stock

Encourage Coat Shine - Made of the finest nylon shiny spandex, this Rug covers body and belly to keep the coat shiny and looking in tip top condition. The Snuggy Hoods Shiny Show Rug is designed to be worn with our Shiny Show Hood to offer complete nose to tail coverage for the show season, keeping coat super shiny and dust free. Best teamed with the Shiny Show Hood but can also be used alone or with any other self fixing hood. Sizes - XS - XL

Riferimenti Specifici

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