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Coperta da box con collo Premium Stable Sheet Cooler Rug SHIRES -98C

84,00 €
Tasse incluse
Coperta leggera multifunzione in poliestere tessuto con collo integrato: mantiene il manto pulito ottima come coperta da viaggio e come dopolavoro lascia evaporare velocemente l'umidità e si asciuga molto rapidamente e non trattiene lo sporco e i trucioli utile anche come sotto coperta sagomata per una vestibilità ottimale, cinghie incrociate regolabili
Taglie coperte
In Stock

This multipurpose rug will keep coats free from dust in the stable or when travelling, wick moisture away after exercise or bathing and offer lightweight warmth. Also useful for lining or layering under stable rugs. Smart and very durable, the woven polyester fabric dries quickly, does not attract straw, hay or shavings and is easy to care for. Lined at the chest for comfort with a single chest strap, adjustable cross surcingles, fillet string and shaped at rear for a great fit. The extended neck cover sits over the poll allowing the ears to be free for extra coverage. Team with matching travel boots.

Riferimenti Specifici

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