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Polar fleece sheet in 100% 240 g/m² polyester, featuring a two-buckle chest fastening, crossed surcingles and a breastplate in synthetic sheepskin to make the horse feel really comfortable. For use as a drying sheet, as an undercoat or for transport.
Coperta in pile polare in 100% poliestere 240 g/m², dotato di chiusura sul petto con due fibbie, cinghie incrociate sottopancia e sul petto. Collare in montone sintetico per far sentire il cavallo davvero a suo agio. Da utilizzare come coperta di asciugatura dopolavoro, come sottocoperta o per il trasporto.
Riferimenti Specifici
Polar fleece sheet in 100% 240 g/m² polyester, featuring a two-buckle chest fastening, crossed surcingles and a breastplate in synthetic sheepskin to make the horse feel really comfortable. For use as a drying sheet, as an undercoat or for transport.