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ESKADRON Cuffia Antimosche con orecchie elastiche tg Cavallo e doppio Pony
24,50 €27,00 €
Risparmia 2,50 €
Tasse incluse
Cotone colori abbinabili ai sottosella Eskadron con orecchie elastiche
Crocheted fly protection for the head with elasticated ears. As a result of the wide selection of colours, the ESKADRON anti-fly ear protection can be very well combined with all browbands. Anti-fly head protection is meanwhile also allowed at national competitive level, also in dressage. This prevents tiresome headshaking, sometimes caused by the smallest of flies.
Cotone colori abbinabili ai sottosella Eskadron con orecchie elastiche
Crocheted fly protection for the head with elasticated ears. As a result of the wide selection of colours, the ESKADRON anti-fly ear protection can be very well combined with all browbands. Anti-fly head protection is meanwhile also allowed at national competitive level, also in dressage. This prevents tiresome headshaking, sometimes caused by the smallest of flies.