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Gel ammortizzante con struttura esagonale che permette la circolazione dell'aria. Ammortizzante e antiscivolo. The Air Release Gel Pad is a solid hexagonal cell structure that allows the air to circulate over the back. Flexible gel works in synergy with the horse's movement. It provides non-slip security with low profile that maximizes absorption and minimizes the bulk under the saddle.
The Acavallo Withers Free Hexagonal Gel Pad with Memory doesn’t compress the withers. Anti-slip, shock absorbing memory gel pad. Aesthetically designed with an ergonomic form, it will be perfect partner of your saddle.This is the ideal pad for riders using a custom-made saddle for their horse who want to feel the true benefit of an ultra close contact. Available in black or brown fabric color; gel color only black. One size.
Riferimenti Specifici
Gel ammortizzante con struttura esagonale che permette la circolazione dell'aria. Ammortizzante e antiscivolo. The Air Release Gel Pad is a solid hexagonal cell structure that allows the air to circulate over the back. Flexible gel works in synergy with the horse's movement. It provides non-slip security with low profile that maximizes absorption and minimizes the bulk under the saddle.