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“Piuma” is Italian and means “feather” (very light and soft). Acavallo proudly presents to you its innovative series of Piuma Air Release Pads (three basic models) made of a new featherlight thermoplastic material, offering horse and rider a really unique set of benefits, i.e. a low-profile but highly effective padding and protection of the horse’s back, low weight and bulk under the saddle, a sophisticated ventilation and air-supply system and, last not least, saddle fitting and adjustment possibilities by optional, integrated front (AC071) and back risers (AC072) The special and innovative structure of these pads shows a multitude of little bulges with lateral holes permitting an intense, horizontally directed air circulation. Besides creating a shock-absorbing cushion effect every time they are compressed and released, the bulges generate a flow of refreshing air which keeps the back of the horse perfectly dry. This function is additionally enhanced by big rectangular cutouts arranged across the entire gullet channel of the pads. Waterproof and easy care product, washable at 30° C under running water.
Machine-washable at 30°C or simply by hand using water and a mild soap. Do not use harsh detergents. Do not tumble dry. Do not expose to direct heat or strong sunlight. Allow to dry naturally. Made in Italy .
Riferimenti Specifici
Rialzo sulla parte frontale (funge da salva garrese)