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Pikeur Childrens´Show Jacket FABIO
Wear-resistant and washable childrens and youths riding jacket created in a classical design. With one rear slit, two front pockets as well as variable and exchangeable detachable buttons for girls and boys. Washable at 30 °C. Material: 95% polyester, 5% elasthane.
ssimo confort e libertà di movimento
lavabile in lavatrice
Pikeur Childrens´Show Jacket FABIO
Wear-resistant and washable childrens and youths riding jacket created in a classical design. With one rear slit, two front pockets as well as variable and exchangeable detachable buttons for girls and boys. Washable at 30 °C. Material: 95% polyester, 5% elasthane.
ssimo confort e libertà di movimento
lavabile in lavatrice