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Studiati per il periodo invernale in Polartec® Wind Pro ® elasticizzato per il massimo isolamento; rivestimento anti abrasione idrorepellente
Designed to accommodate the demands of the sport, Ariat gloves set a new standard in performance. They are constructed with Polartec® Wind Pro ® stretch fleece for maximum insulation, with a hardface coating on the fleece for abrasion and water resistance
Studiati per il periodo invernale in Polartec® Wind Pro ® elasticizzato per il massimo isolamento; rivestimento anti abrasione idrorepellente
Designed to accommodate the demands of the sport, Ariat gloves set a new standard in performance. They are constructed with Polartec® Wind Pro ® stretch fleece for maximum insulation, with a hardface coating on the fleece for abrasion and water resistance