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SOTTOSELLA WESTERN in Feltro e Lana Vera Arena Master

145,00 €
Tasse incluse

0Sottosella western In feltro di vera lana; Alta densità con parte interna in vera lana
Spessore 1,9 cm, con buco sul garrese
Contoured - Sagomato

Dimensioni 32x34 pollici ( 80 cm x 85 cm)

In Stock

Sottosella in feltro di lana 100%  Alta Densità Arena Master.

Arena Masters ergonomic felt pad Natural wool felt BEIGE

Round (perfect for short-backed horses)

Thickness 3/4″

Strong Sadesa leather wearleathers and re-inforcements


  • 80 x 43 cm



Is made of natural wool, it is important never to use hot water to clean, or heat to dry (to avoid shrinkage)


* occasionally carefully brush the pad with a curry brush to prevent the buildup of dirt and hair, thus avoiding dirt and sweat to get embedded into the pad


* washing is only necessary when you feel the pad is hardening on important (pressure point) zones

* it is best to avoid using soap, as you risk leaving residue that might irritate the horse

* rinse with clean water, using just enough water to dissolve sweat and dirt residue, always beginning in the centre and working up to the outer edges of the pad (so water does not soak into the pad)

* for rinsing and drying: hold or hang the pad by the gullet hole or place it over a rail (never lay the pad flat to rinse or dry)

* dry the pad in a well ventilated area

* after drying, flex the pad in the areas that have not softened

Spessore 1" ( 2.5 cm)

dimensioni: 80 x 43 cm



Riferimenti Specifici

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