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like the name says.....reduced to the max!The amazing quality out of 92% cotton and 8% elastan standing for permanently good feeling, the lavishly processed sewed and necksolutions are the basement of highly wearing comfort.Contrasting colored arms. The simple OS-Horse Logostitch on the left chest, let you think about pure understatement.Think about unnecessarily! Wear it, feel good and look's good!The price performance is unique!
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like the name says.....reduced to the max!The amazing quality out of 92% cotton and 8% elastan standing for permanently good feeling, the lavishly processed sewed and necksolutions are the basement of highly wearing comfort.Contrasting colored arms. The simple OS-Horse Logostitch on the left chest, let you think about pure understatement.Think about unnecessarily! Wear it, feel good and look's good!The price performance is unique!
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