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Maschera per Asino o mulo EQUILIBRIUM PRODUCTS

56,00 €
Tasse incluse
Maschera anti instti per asino o mulo
Field Relief Max Fly Mask

Protezione ideale dagli insetti più fastidiosi. ORA DISPONIBILE ANCHE PER I NOSTRI ASINI Vestibilità ottimale grazie agli inserti elastici e alla chiusura in velcro.
Il copri naso è regolabile e removibile
Imbottitura morbida che impedisce gli sfregamenti
asino piccolo da commessura acommessura C/C 80cm/95 cm; lunghezza orecchie 32 cm
Tipo animale
In Stock

Field Relief Max Fly Mask The difference is in the detail Field Relief Max Fly Mask A full face fly mask that combines the best of protection against sun and insects with carefully designed features to provide exceptional comfort for the horse. Protects from sunburn by blocking up to 80% of the sun rays Soft padding at brow and noseband to prevent rubbing Variety of sizes to suit all shapes and size sincluding donkeys Several darts ensure that the mask sits well clear of the horse’s eyes, face and eyelashes maximising on comfort. Detachable nose piece Long lasting and well fitting Perfect for sensitive horses or those in high midge and fly infested areas “This has to be one of the best fly masks on the market, and I would certainly recommend it”. Horse & Hound on line review.

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