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Paraglomi con vero agnellino BR Over Reach Boot Sheepskin
42,00 €
Tasse incluse
BR Over Reach Boot Sheepskin Over reach boots made from synthetic leather, decorated with a border of extra soft sheepskin, which is 16 mm wide. The over reach boots have a 5.5 mm wide neoprene lining and a wide, double Velcro closure. Over reach boots serve to prevent the horse from wounding itself by overstressing its heels or the back of the frogs.
BR Over Reach Boot Sheepskin Over reach boots made from synthetic leather, decorated with a border of extra soft sheepskin, which is 16 mm wide. The over reach boots have a 5.5 mm wide neoprene lining and a wide, double Velcro closure. Over reach boots serve to prevent the horse from wounding itself by overstressing its heels or the back of the frogs.