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Pessoa Vuoto per Pony 2 chiamate spezzato con anelli piccoli
24,00 €28,00 €
Risparmia 4,00 €
Tasse incluse
Filetto pessoa snodato con imboccatura vuota spezzato con anelli piccoli (adatto ai pony) Acciao Inox
This stainless steel bit is useful when control is an issue - the three rings offer leverage options to increase the severity. The smaller sizes of this bit come with shorter cheeks to ensure the bit remains in proportion with the smaller head.
Filetto pessoa snodato con imboccatura vuota spezzato con anelli piccoli (adatto ai pony) Acciao Inox
This stainless steel bit is useful when control is an issue - the three rings offer leverage options to increase the severity. The smaller sizes of this bit come with shorter cheeks to ensure the bit remains in proportion with the smaller head.