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Art.-No. 935 kieffer quality breastplates are made from full grain leather of European origin. Leather is a natural product which will have a long working life provided that it is looked after properly. All kieffer breastplates are provided with 100 % rustproof hardware fittings. No inexpensive iron fittings are used. Split, fully adjustable Martingale fork, detachable with snap hooks Narrow, length-adjustable shoulder straps with elastic insert Choice of chrome or brass fittings
Art.-No. 935 kieffer quality breastplates are made from full grain leather of European origin. Leather is a natural product which will have a long working life provided that it is looked after properly. All kieffer breastplates are provided with 100 % rustproof hardware fittings. No inexpensive iron fittings are used. Split, fully adjustable Martingale fork, detachable with snap hooks Narrow, length-adjustable shoulder straps with elastic insert Choice of chrome or brass fittings