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Ladies Pikeur Medina long-sleeve shirt with label on the back.
A long sleeved shirt, with the wording 'Pikeur International Sportsbrand' printed on the back in a contrasting colour. The Pikeur Medina also has the unique detailing of patches in a contrasting colour and pattern on the elbows of both sleeves. There is also the Pikeur emblem is stitched onto the front of the shirt in a contrasting colour.
Ladies Pikeur Medina long-sleeve shirt with label on the back.
A long sleeved shirt, with the wording 'Pikeur International Sportsbrand' printed on the back in a contrasting colour. The Pikeur Medina also has the unique detailing of patches in a contrasting colour and pattern on the elbows of both sleeves. There is also the Pikeur emblem is stitched onto the front of the shirt in a contrasting colour.