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Flexisoft Cross Country Vo
doppia chiusutra
vestibilità perfetta
adatto al cross country ed alle passeggiate
adatto da usare in presenza di acqua
the boot for cross country and leisure riding made of TPE with a flexible soft zone, double Velcro fastening made extra secure with a press stud. This boot garantees perfect protection and fit also in difficult terrain and water. The range also includes matching long protection boots for the hindlegs
Flexisoft Cross Country Vo
doppia chiusutra
vestibilità perfetta
adatto al cross country ed alle passeggiate
adatto da usare in presenza di acqua
the boot for cross country and leisure riding made of TPE with a flexible soft zone, double Velcro fastening made extra secure with a press stud. This boot garantees perfect protection and fit also in difficult terrain and water. The range also includes matching long protection boots for the hindlegs