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Protegge lo stinco e il sesamoide e provvede supporto ai tendini
Inserto interno in gel
rinforzo in pelle
Classic Equine EZ Wrap II - Front or Hind
Protects splint and sesamoid area and provides support to tendons.
Leather splint pad with shock absorbing nitrate inner lining provides splint protection.
Now with a leather fetlock guard, slightly padded to provide more protection against wear and crossfiring
Three hook-and-loop straps make this an easy boot to put on or take off.
Protegge lo stinco e il sesamoide e provvede supporto ai tendini
Inserto interno in gel
rinforzo in pelle
Classic Equine EZ Wrap II - Front or Hind
Protects splint and sesamoid area and provides support to tendons.
Leather splint pad with shock absorbing nitrate inner lining provides splint protection.
Now with a leather fetlock guard, slightly padded to provide more protection against wear and crossfiring
Three hook-and-loop straps make this an easy boot to put on or take off.